Bayrakcı Metal Design Alimak Gate
Bayrakcı Metal has a team, equipment and capacity to meet the needs of alimak gate according to the demands. Alimak gate is manufactured and installed according to the alimak cavity to be used. You can get support from our company for alimak gate projects used at high altitude. We manufacture safe alimak gates for your construction sites.
The features of the alimak gate, which is the design of our company, are as follows;
Our expert team is at your service for your request for Alimak gate. Alimak gates, designed in accordance with the relevant regulations and legislations, are manufactured and assembled on-site on the date you wish. We adopt the ”turn-key“ approach in our Alimak gate services.
What is Alimak and Alimak Gate?
Alimak is a carrier or a type of elevator used to carry people and load in building or construction sites. They are vehicles that move vertically and provide access to high points.
These vehicles, called “Alimak” are not regarded as elevator by law. Within the scope of the "Health and Safety Conditions Regulation on the Use of Work Equipment ”, alimak systems can be established in various ways. Alimak systems can be produced in different designs according to the height and area to be transported.
As the technical inspection of lifts and other lifting and transportation vehicles are conducted by machine engineers every three months; This period has been updated as once a year with the "Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment “. Besides engineers, technicians are also authorized for the control now.
Alimak type carriers work with a rail system. It is a kind of elevator built on the exterior facade of buildings or constructions. It is designed for handling of workers and loads. Alimak systems have a certain load capacity. If it is overloaded and the system locks itself and be deactivated.
The following points are important for Alimak and Alimak gates;
Bayrakcı Metal;provides construction equipment solutions in accordance with ISO quality standards. We design and apply your Alimak gate demands for any kind of project in a short time. Our company, who provides service for alimak gate and equipment in accordance with international standards, is one of the leading companies in this field.
We design the Alimak gate projects on-site for you and make the decision for the project-specific alimak gate application to be implemented together. If you want, we can also provide you alimak gate service with our projects prepared special for you.
We offer Alimak gate applications with options suitable for your budget. Visit us, tell us about your needs, check out the options for the alimak gates, decide!
You can contact us through the address custom design demands and alimak gates operations in properties that you wish. To contact us, you can give us a call or fill the form given“İletişim” section.